Designs are developed into posters and displayed in public places, like libraries. The community votes for the best solution.

This project is ongoing. Read more about the mapping project on TechSoup's blog or on Medium.
You can download the technical documentation, including instructions on how to map a public transit system, here.

Bibliotecas Brasil
Unfortunately, the federal government of Brasil is no longer supporting the SNIIC data source and Bibliotecas Brasil is unavailable for download.

Caravan Studios, or another organization develops the technology solution.

Made at the Library:
designing solutions,
solving problems,

Community members gather to discuss issues and share their experiences. Together they develop ideas that inform design solutions.

Descartaê is live and ready for you to use! Follow these steps to get started:
1. Send an email to feitonabiblioteca@caravanstudios.org requesting an account. You will receive an email with your account credentials.
2. Go to webportal.descartae.com and login. You can enter records of both official and community-based trash and recycling sites, drop off points, businesses, and associations. Once you’ve input trash and recyclable collection sites into the portal, they will appear on the app.
3. Tell your local community about the app and ask them to download it and use it! You can download some promotional materials here.